Pentagon reaffirms Biden’s war in Syria

Details are in the Pentagon’s press release from this morning. The purpose is to “conduct joint warfighting exercises” and “extend International Partnerships” with NATO. How? In the past, it has been with 100,000 National guard troops in Ukraine, and Europe plus accessible technology, free weapons, and money.

Justice Dept. declares war against the Supreme Court

The Justice Dept. said yesterday that their legal opinion regarding abortion supersedes the Supreme Court's. The purpose of the Justice Department is to defend the President and punish his political opponents. He hires them. No one at the Justice Dept. has ever represented the American people. It has been that way since July 1st, 1870.

Pfizer admits having “at least” 33 side effects from its clot shots

After June 25th, Pfizer said people should expect even more side effects. However, Pfizer said they are under “no legal obligation” to report them. A copy of the contract to have the Army distribute 300 million new doses of Pfizer’s clot shots is under wraps as a defense secret. States will use the Army to give the shots to children as young as six months old. Their back-to-school campaign starts in September. Pfizer recommends up to three shots for children depending on age.

Bank of China will crush crypto and freedom

China’s yuan card. Can you leave your home without one? It can track anyone and everything. It starts with vaccination records, voting history, and party loyalty. Then, it is coming to a neighborhood near you. Masquerading as a branch of Chase, Bank of America, or Wells Fargo. Goodbye, Federal Reserve. China is too big to fail.

Apple admits UN-WHO mobile apps send users’ medical histories to China

According to Google, there is “no information available” on the app’s data safety. According to Apple, the “app may use your location even when it isn’t open . . .” Are people downloading spyware? Who wants the data? Where is it stored? Who is paying to access it? That is why the UN-WHO SunSmart Global UV app is free. Medical and genetic histories are ending up in China.

Congress is expanding gun rights in its bill to legalize marijuana

How soon? As soon as H.R. 3617, a federal law passes the Senate. However, the bill is being held up by Republicans. It passed the House on April 2nd. The 91-page bill removes marijuana from the “schedule of controlled substances.” This clause restores Second Amendment gun ownership rights to marijuana users. How many people in Congress know that? Please ask them. And those running for Congress too.

CNN cameraman who filmed Capitol murder on Jan. 6th has his trial set for May 15th

Before Babbitt was killed, Sullivan, a CNN cameraman, was paid $35,000 to film her murder “at Capitol Hill on Jan. 6th, 2021”. Prosecutors cited racketeering charges (RICO) to have the defendant forfeit $90,875. RICO implies pending charges against other co-conspirators in Babbitt’s murder plot, including CNN and members of Congress. A copy of Sullivan’s contract with CNN is in the story.

Eli Lilly, China, Princeton, and Purdue plan to mandate vaccines for military children triggered yesterday by Pentagon

The plan to turn military children into pin cushions for China’s drugmakers like Eli Lilly was triggered yesterday by the Pentagon. Patty Barron, Stacey Young, and Purdue University are responsible for rolling out the new military curriculum. Children and military families now belong to the State. The brainwashing includes redefining family according to the agenda of the New World Order.

Congress, Pentagon, and CIA to surrender Space Force to UN-EU

When? As soon as the U.S. signs its subsequent Pandemic Treaty after Congress's Nov. 8th midterm elections. Don Beyer (D-VA) admits that Space Force (SF) has and will continue to use an “open data repository.” SF will allow all nations to share satellite, surveillance, and defense technologies. A partial list of 18 persons and three universities are leading the transfer of the Space Force to the WHO (World Health Organization), a subsidiary of the UN (United Nations).