Trump was warned on May 10th that the FBI would raid his home

Trump “mismanaged gifts from foreign sources,” thereby compromising national security, according to Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY). She is the House Committee on Oversight and Reform Chairwoman until January. Maloney lost her primary in her re-election bid. So who are the FBI informants? Russian Oligarch Oleg Deripaska, Ukrainian Oligarch, Ihor Kolomoisky, or someone else?

Strzok’s Trump raid is Crossfire Hurricane II

Strzok said the criminal investigation against President Donald J. Trump started on Jan. 20th, 2021. Strzok is a contractor for CNN and the CIA. A partial list of eight participants in the Strzok Crossfire Hurricane II cabal was submitted into evidence yesterday by federal prosecutors. Their names are in the story—tip from Politico.

When will DC Judge Howell sign Trump’s arrest warrant?

Details are under wraps. Only Judge Howell knows. On Monday, prosecutors admitted Howell had opened a Grand Jury criminal investigation in DC against Trump. Judge Reinhart confirmed it yesterday in Miami’s Federal S. District Court. Confused? There are two open cases involving Trump in federal courts. Howell has a criminal Grand Jury investigating Trump for who knows what. Her court is in Washington, D.C. Reinhart is the Magistrate Judge in Trump’s civil suit for damages in a federal case in Miami.

Feds rekindle narcotics trafficking under International Law

This morning’s press release from the Department of State reaffirms the Biden Administration’s commitment to International Law and narcotics trafficking with Bolivia and Venezuela. Their foreign aid “will not be restricted” even though they have “failed demonstrably” to comply with “their obligations under international counternarcotics agreements.”

Ukraine’s Kolomoisky is behind Trump raid

The Trump raid is Kolomoisky’s way of getting payback for the Trump Justice Department (DOJ) seizing $5.5 billion of his U.S. assets on January 20th. Kolomoisky is an FBI informant and billionaire Ukrainian oligarch. He has petitioned the Supreme Court to assign his "filter team" to review the documents the FBI seized in the Trump raid. In addition, Ihor has another case in the International Court of the World Bank to regain his U.S. assets.

FBI Section Chief transferred to Cleveland to coverup its child trafficking-Mexican drug cartel network fiasco?

In an attempt to cover up the 40-year-old Bush-Barr child trafficking and drug network run out of Strongsville, Ohio, feds have replaced the heads of the Cleveland offices of the FBI and Justice Department (DOJ). Debra Parris, the third of four defendants in the N. Ohio District Court case, will be sentenced on Sept. 8th at 10 a.m. According to the trial judge, James Gwin, neither the FBI nor the DOJ did anything to stop the criminal network. Three of the Cleveland defendants remain at large.

NATO expanding into Asia-Pacific

Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, and New Zealand are in NATO’s expansion plans into the Asia-Pacific. NATO is the police force to fulfill the Biden Administration’s dream to become a one-world government. Under the control of the United Nations (UN).

Hillary to be appointed President by the UN?

According to UN Human Rights Treaties and International Law, Hillary can be the next President. But, do these treaties supersede the Constitution and the Supreme Court? Michelle Bachelet thinks so. She is the UN’s High Commissioner of Human Rights and Hillary’s best friend.

These 100 House Reps pledge allegiance to the UN

One hundred House reps believe that the federal government is more important than individual freedom. They call themselves the “Progressives.” They are 23% of the 435 members in the House of Representatives. Who are they? The story lists them by state. Their goal is to turn over control of the U.S. to the UN (United Nations).