What and how much data is on Eugene Yu’s encrypted device?

The Prosecution still has Yu’s passport and encrypted device that contains 350 terabytes of data. That is enough to store every registered voter in the U.S., plus all the fraudulent ones used in last week’s General Election. So, where was the Konnech CEO? Absent from court yesterday. The next hearing is Tuesday in Los Angeles County Court.

China and U.S. are partners

China’s Xi, Biden, and President Clinton are the sources. The U.S. is paying China to build 91 new Biolabs. In addition, China gets free tech and other intellectual property developed in the U.S. universities since 1999.

Supreme Court to decide whether a citizen has the right to damages for treason by the President, VP, and Congress

The source is the Supreme Court. The case could break anytime before Nov. 23rd. Public officials are being sued personally for treason— Causing and allowing security breaches in voting machine systems. That means they have to pay the cost of their defense. And pay damages for failing to protect the security of the country. County Election Board Officials are listed as unidentified John Doe defendants one to a hundred.

Yu collects $500k at the Bond window before fleeing to Wuhan today

Will it be Konnech CEO Eugene Yu or his double, another Chinese spy? Maybe it is his wife, Donna Wang. Or his business partner, BlackRock’s Michael Lee. Some say it will be his son-in-law, Luke Polcyn. Others say it will be his daughter, Eunice Yu, M.D., of the Henry Ford Medical Center. Did any of them show up for work today? They must catch a plane back to Wuhan, China, before the UN’s Carter Election Center rigs the U.S. Senate elections in GA, AZ, NV, and PA.

China-UN have control of GA’s Nov. 8th Election results

The UN’s Carter Center controls Georgia’s Nov. 8th Election results through a treaty. It will certify Stacey Abrams (D) as their Governor on Dec. 15th. The treaty was signed on Oct. 13th by the GA Secretary of State and Atlanta’s Fulton Co. Board of Elections. It will be announced today at 10 a.m. at a special meeting. Unfortunately, details are sealed and unavailable to the public.